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European Security & Defence 04/2022

European Security & Defence 04/2022

8,90 EUR

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Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage

Art.Nr.: 2022_04_ESD_P
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Aus dem Inhalt:

  • The Path to and Consequences of the Ukraine Crisis (David Saw)
  • Black Sea Security in Times of War (Eugene Kogan)
  • Strategic Competition in the Middle East – Uncertainty Continues (David Saw)
  • The Strategic Bond between Turkey and Pakistan in 2022 (Dr. Andreea Stoian Karadeli)
  • Sensor Fusion for Land Combat Vehicles (Tamir Eshel)
  • Manned-Unmanned Teaming: Airborne Systems (Sidney E. Dean)
  • Winning Against Drones (John Antal)
  • Countering the Swarm (Tamir Eshel)
  • Brazil’s Nuclear Submarine Programme (Debalina Ghoshal)
  • Recent 30 mm to 105 mm Ammunition Developments (Christopher F. Foss)
  • Naval Ballistic Missile Defence: US, European and Israeli Solutions (Luca Peruzzi)
  • Unmanned Systems in the UAE (Melanie Rovery)
  • Medium Helicopters – A Centrepiece of Military Success (Jack Richardson)
  • Rotary Wing: Faster, Further and More Assertive (André Forkert)
  • Protecting Coastal Infrastructures and Waters from Underwater Threats (Luca Peruzzi)
  • FLRAA: The US Army’s Future Long Range Assault Aircraft Programme Progresses (Sydney E. Dean)
  • Rocket Artillery Trends (David Saw)
  • Talk and Squawk – Military Vehicle Onboard Communications (Tim Guest)
  • Chilean Air Force Update (Robert Czulda)
  • India’s Presidential Fleet Review (Suman Sharma)
  • Modernisation Plans of the Baltic States (Robert Czulda)
  • Team Orlando – Continued Dedication in Simulation and Training (Team of Authors, National Center for Simulation)
  • Hospital Ship – Made in Germany (Editorial Team, Hansa Online)

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